Disposable Electrosurgical Pads (ESU Pad)
Electrosurgical grounding pad(also called ESU plates) is made from electrolyte hydro-gel and aluminum-foil and PE foam, etc. Commonly known as patient plate, grounding pad, or return electrode. It is a negative plate of the high-frequency electrotome. It applies to electric welding, etc. of the high-frequency electrotome.Conductive surface made of Aluminum sheet, low in resistance, negative of cytotoxicity skin, sensitization and acute coetaneous Irritation.
Disposable ESU grounding pads are made of a plastic base material that is covered with a metal film that serves as the actual electrode surface. Covering the metal surface is an adhesive gel layer that can be easily attached to the patient’s skin. Also referred to as single-use pads or sticky pads, the disposable grounding pad must be large enough to keep the current density low to prevent heat build-up that might result in a burn under the pad.
Hisern Medical supplies various sizes of disposable ESU grounding pads to meet the different clinical use and are more cost-effective than reusable pads. Single use also facilitates sterility during the procedure and a quick and efficient cleanup afterward. Disposables contain high-quality adhesives that help conform the fit to the patient and enable consistent heat distribution.
● Safe and Comfortable
● Improved ductility and adhesion, suitable for the irregular skin surface
● Appropriate viscosity of PSA. Avoid shifting and easy to remove
● Skin-friendly foam and breathable sticker design,no skin stimulation
● Monopolar- Adult
● Bipolar-Adult
● Monopolar- pediatric
● Bipolar-pediatric
● Bipolar-Adult with cable
● Bipolar-Adult with REM cable
● Monopolar- Adult with cable
● Monopolar- Adult with REM cable

Match with electrosurgical generator, radio frequency generator and other high frequency equipments.
Steps of use
1. Following the surgical procedure, remove the electrode slowly to avoid skin trauma.
2. Choose a well site of the full muscle and sufficient blood (for example big leg, buttocks and upper arm), avoid bony prominences, joint, hair and scar.
3. Remove the backing film of the electrode and apply it to the site suitable for patients, secure the cable clamp to the electrode tab and make sure that two metallic films of the clamp contact with the aluminum foil of the tab and do not show aluminum foil.
4. Clean skin of the patient, shave excess hair if necessary